John diagnosed Autistic at age of 6 years got admission in special needs school for progressive future. His parents did not inform school staff much about his maladaptive behaviours except being picky eater, impulsive and having tactile defensiveness. On first day to his school, he was introduced to classmates and support assistant (Ms. Johnson) by his class teacher (Ms. Winslet). As the day progressed, John seemed calm and settling within the classroom surrounded by some new friends.
During the lunch-time, Ms. Winslet told him about rules of eating in classroom and ensured that he is doing fine. John without making any eye contact heard everything and absorbed all in (taking in too much information from new environment,resulting in sensory overloading) while eating his sandwich and nodded head.
All of a sudden, after fraction of seconds, everyone heard John shouting, being physically aggressive on child sitting next to him and crying without listening to anyone. He also bitten the support assistant who tried to stop him from hitting. Due to extreme kicking, hitting, pushing and biting behaviour (physical violence) he was restrained by two male staff members.
All of a sudden, after fraction of seconds, everyone heard John shouting, being physically aggressive on child sitting next to him and crying without listening to anyone. He also bitten the support assistant who tried to stop him from hitting. Due to extreme kicking, hitting, pushing and biting behaviour (physical violence) he was restrained by two male staff members.
School OT intervened and he was taken to therapy room
where she wrapped John in a weighted blanket (deep firm pressure) and rolled on
floor until he calmed down.
Later, this little man mentioned that he got angry
because child sitting next to him was eating crisps and making noise, that John
didn’t like!!
Phew!! so, now we know why John behaved in such a
Well, but what happened when he was wrapped in a
weighted blanket? How so much angry young man (who needed male staff for
restraining) calmed down so easily? Why didn’t he resist to weighted blanket?
This happened due to MAGIC of DEEP PRESSURE!!