Friday, 25 May 2012

Anger and its initiation among children


Anger is a normal emotion like other emotions however excessive increase in its intensity and incidence can lead to discomfort to the person as well as surrounding environment. If duration of anger increases it can lead to adverse effects in vast majority of people relating to their health, physically and mentally.

It is assumed that anger occurs as a consequence of frustration, rejection, or unfairness. It either evolves from social or environmental influences which act as common triggers. Anger has other side of coin as well, where it can be used as strong emotion to achieve desired goal.

The expression of anger and effort to retaliate is more common among the boys than girls because, they predispose emotionally more frequently as compared to girls. They are less able to control their emotions as match up to girls, without help of caregivers. Moreover, expressions of anger and willingness to strike back initiates during infancy which can lead to violence form during adulthood. 

As these children step forward in their toddler hood, they counter problems leading to conflict, peer fighting and being more impulsive then other children. Temper tantrums may lead to difficulty for parents in dealing with such children. Most of the times the reason for anger could be demand of some desired object or toy.

Moreover, rising towards preschool years, the demanding factor may decline with negotiation over objects and repeated instructions from teacher's and parent's side among girls.  However, boys are more physically aggressive than girls. Girls even have characteristics of physical bullying which they hide and retaliate in another form. They specialize in harming other person's social relationship and reputation. 

As these children grow towards early school years they might show unkindness, rude behaviours and aggression towards their peer group, parents, teachers as well as cruelty towards animals.

Anger in adolescence could be a serious problem which should be dealt very carefully by parents. Primarily, parents should become very good listeners as well as communicators before they handle their child’s sensitive issues of aggression. Anger among children should be managed carefully as its serious forms could result in hostility and violence. It’s essential to understand situations which could lead to trigger annoyance within the child. Moreover, if such situation arises then he or she should be cooled off at that moment by using relaxation technique.

Secondly, exposure to violence on television can cause increases in aggression. The emergence of violent video games has raised new questions regarding the effects of violent media. Exposure to violent media increases aggressive behaviour through one of three primary domains (arousal, cognition, and affect). Thus, parenting style should include awareness of subject’s children are watching through media.

Anger is among the most powerful risk factors for school violence especially the sudden rage. Students who do not learn to manage their anger are at-risk for aggression and even the violent explosive behaviour. The expression of anger can take many forms. Some include venting, resisting, seeking revenge, expressing dislike, avoiding the source of anger & seeking help.